Demand Response project for Korea's ICT expert Posco DX
Enhanced Posco DX's work-efficiency in distributed energy resource management and secured their performance reliability with our Demand Response Management System, Korea's first and leading DR solution since 2014.
Background & Objective
The IT & Engineering expert, POSCO ICT, introduced the DR operating system(Demand Response Management System) provided by EIPGRID in order to participate into Korea DR market since 2014. It shows its strong presence in DR market where the total DR resouce capacity has been reached about 4,300 MW (as of 2020).
The following are the objectives of this project.
Enhancing work-efficiency in DR resource management and secure DR resource reliability.
Interfacing with the KPX(Korea Power Exchange) system and the KEPCO(Korea Electric Power Corporation) system in the direction of enable the monitoring and accurate estimation of demand for power.
Maximizing DR aggregation business profits on both Aggregator and DR participants, EIPGRID provides contract based DR resource portfolio service and real time DR event management service.
Delivered reliable DRMS complied with DR market specific regulation and policy based on global standard protocol, OpenADR2.0b
Delivered total four types of DR events monitoring & management functions those are Reliability DR(Emergency DR), Economic DR, Peak-Cut DR, Fine-dust DR
Delivered profit simulation and settlement & performance reports functions aligning with four types of DR programs
Based on released new EIPGRID features, POSCO ICT expects increasing work-efficiency(cutting routine work-flow) on DR resource sales & management and increasing profits
Expanded DR resource portfolio of ‘Standard DR and Small-Mid size of DR’