TNBR interfacing with Malaysian GSO through EIP Platform
TNBR and GSO are mutually maximizing their profits with versatile market applications through our Virtual Power Plant.
Background & Objective
Demonstration of data communication between EIP-based ICCP/TASE.2 <-> OADR Adapter
This project is about demonstrating the communication between EIP-based ICCP/TASE.2 <-> OADR Adapter to let TNB Research Sdn. Bhd interface with GSO (Grid System Operator) systems to utilize VPP (Virtual Power Plant) resources and direct communication/control of end-users through smart devices.
EIPGRID is providing EIP (VPP Platform), HW(ESS: Battery + PCS/PMS) with SK E&S, VPP Business Models, and Financial Models.
The following are the first stage objectives of this project.
Operating ESS resources on client sites
Test OADR Client boxes for GSO DR demo at real customer sites (G/H, TNBR, UNITEN)
Interface OADR Client boxes with xEMS(BEMS for chiller system) to control the load (on/off)
Interface OADR Client boxes with ESS
Results (On-going)
Delivered VPP Platform to manage DERs based on VPP business and financial models
Delivered OpenADR2.0 and TASE.2 based protocol converter(HW/SW)
Delivered multi-protocol converter(client box)
Delivered ESS operating safety guide
Demonstrated communication concept successfully proving smooth&fast communication
Performing peak shaving